What is 'The sexagenary cycle' of oriental?
The sexagenary cycle , based upon 10 Heavenly Stems (천간/天干) and 12 Earthly Branches (지지/地支), is a cycle of sixty terms used for reckoning time.
육십갑자 / 六十甲子 ( The sexagenary cycle )
It means 60 packs. It is a method of representing specific dates in Korea.
Each year consists of 60 different combinations.
In each pack consists of a combination of two letters, the first letter is called 'Cheongan', and the second letter is called 'Jiji'.
천간 / 天干 called 'Cheongan'
Heavenly Stems
지지 / 地支 called 'Jiji'
Earthly Branches
The 'sexagenary cycle' appears as a means of recording days in the first Chinese written texts, the Shang oracle bones of the late second millennium BC.
Its use to record years began around the middle of the third century BC.
The cycle and its changes were an important part of the traditional calendar system, especially in countries in East Asia that were influenced by China, such as Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and Vietnam.
Here is an example of what is used in Korea.
'육십갑자(sexagenary cycle)' is a method of representing specific dates in Korea. This method is based on the Chinese lunar calendar and consists of 60 different combinations for each year. '육십갑자(sexagenary cycle)' is composed of two elements: the Heavenly Stems, which are 10 basic elements, and the Earthly Branches, which are 12 animal signs.
These elements are combined to represent a specific date in a particular year. For example, "경자년" represents the combination of the Heavenly Stem "경" and the Earthly Branch "자".
This method has been used in China, Korea, Japan, and other countries for a long time.
It also continues to have a role in contemporary Oriental astrology and fortune telling.
Heavenly order
The sexagenary cycle starts with Gapja (갑자/甲子) and ends with Gyehae (계해/癸亥).
And it begins again with Gapja for the second time in 60 years, called "Hwangap"
▶ 10간 十干
Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches, Ten Celestial Stems and Twelve Terrestrial Branches
십신장(十神將) = 천간(天干)
갑을병정무기경신임계 (甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸)
1. 갑 (Gan)
2. 을 (Yi)
3. 병 (Bing)
4. 정 (Ding)
5. 무 (Wu)
6. 기 (Ji)
7. 경 (Geng)
8. 신 (Xin)
9. 임 (Ren)
10. 계 (Gui)
▶ 12지 十二支
Twelve Celestial Stems and Terrestrial Branches
십이지신(十二地神) = 지지(地支)
자축인묘진사오미신유술해 (子丑寅卯辰巳午未申酉戌亥)
자(子) : Rat (쥐)
축(丑) : Ox (소)
인(寅) : Tiger (호랑이)
묘(卯) : Rabbit (토끼)
진(辰) : Dragon (용)
사(巳) : Snake (뱀)
오(午) : Horse (말)
미(未) : Goat, Sheep (양)
신(申) : Monkey (원숭이)
유(酉) : Rooster (닭)
술(戌) : Dog (개)
해(亥) : Pig (돼지)
The sexagenary cycle - Table
육십갑자 (六十甲子)
1) 갑자 甲子 Gapja |
11) 갑술 甲戌 Gapsul |
21) 갑신 甲申 Gapshin |
31) 갑오 甲午 Gap-o |
41) 갑진 甲辰 Gapjin |
51) 갑인 甲寅 Gap-in |
2) 을축 乙丑 Eulchuk |
12) 을해 乙亥 Eulhae |
22) 을유 乙酉 Eulyu |
32) 을미 乙未 Eulmi |
42) 을사 乙巳 Eulsa |
52) 을묘 乙卯 Eulmyo |
3) 병인 丙寅 Byeong-in |
13) 병자 丙子 Byeongja |
23) 병술 丙戌 Byeongsul |
33) 병신 丙申 Byeongshin |
43) 병오 丙午 Byeong-o |
53) 병진 丙辰 Byeongjin |
4 ) 정묘 丁卯 Jeongmyo |
14) 정축 丁丑 Jeongchuk |
24) 정해 丁亥 Jeonghae |
34) 정유 丙申 Jeong-yu |
44) 정미 丁未 Jeongmi |
54) 정사 丁巳 Jeongsa |
5 ) 무진 戊辰 Mujin |
15) 무인 戊寅 Muin |
25) 무자 戊子 Muja |
35) 무술 戊戌 Musul |
45) 무신 戊申 Mushin |
55) 무오 戊午 Mu-o |
6 ) 기사 己巳 Gisa |
16) 기묘 己卯 Gimyo |
26) 기축 己丑 Gichuk |
36) 기해 己亥 Gihae |
46) 기유 己酉 Giyu |
56) 기미 己未 Gimi |
7 ) 경오 庚午 Gyeong-o |
17) 경진 庚辰 Gyeongjin |
27) 경인 庚寅 Gyeong-in |
37) 경자 庚子 Gyeongja |
47) 경술 庚戌 Gyeongsul |
57) 경신 庚申 Gyeongshin |
8) 신미 辛未 Shinmi |
18) 신사 辛巳 Shinsa |
28) 신묘 辛卯 Shinmyo |
38) 신축 辛丑 Shinchuk |
48) 신해 辛亥 Shinhae |
58) 신유 辛酉 Shinyu |
9) 임신 壬申 Imshin |
19) 임오 壬午 Im-o |
29) 임진 壬辰 Imjin |
39) 임인 壬寅 Imin |
49) 임자 壬子 Imja |
59) 임술 壬戌 Imsul |
10) 계유 癸酉 Gyeyu |
20) 계미 癸未 Gyemi |
30) 계사 癸巳 Gyesa |
40) 계묘 癸卯 Gyemyo |
50) 계축 癸丑 Gyechuk |
60) 계해 癸亥 Gyehae |
*If you can't see 60 on your mobile, turn it to landscape mode.
2020 Years - 경자년 (庚子年) Gyeongja
2021 Years - 신축년 (辛丑年) Shinchuk
2022 Years - 임인년 (壬寅年) Imin
2023 Years - 계묘년 (癸卯年) Gyemyo
2024 Years - 갑진년 (甲辰年) Gapjin
2025 Years - 을사년 (乙巳年) Eulsa
2026 Years - 병오년 (丙午年) Byeong-o
2027 Years - 정미년 (丁未年) Jeongmi
2028 Years - 무신년 (戊申年) Mushin
2029 Years - 기유년 (己酉年) Giyu
2030 Years - 경술년 (庚戌年) Gyeongsul
2031 Years - 신해년 (辛亥年) Shinhae
2032 Years - 임자년 (壬子年) Imja
2033 Years - 계축년 (癸丑年) Gyechuk
2034 Years - 갑인년 (甲寅 年) Gap-in
2035 Years - 을묘년 (乙卯 年) Eulmyo
2036 Years - 병진년 (丙辰年) Byeongjin